Apr 19Liked by Rebecca Franks

What an interesting interview, a wonderful exgension of Kate's book. I can't believe she's dyslexic and reads slowly! She has packed SO much detail into her book. I am certainly not dyslexic and I'd like to think I know quite a lot about music, but I had to read Sound Within Sound very slowly because it's so dense and there's so much material in it that was unfamiliar to me. I looked up some of the music as I went along too. And I still can't remember much of it at all! But I really enjoyed it as I was reading, and must read it again sometime. Interesting that Kate is glad she's no longer a critic, and defines herself as a journalist rather than an academic. That's me, too. I have such difficulty explaining to musical organisations that I'm a feature-writer, not a reviewer, but you can't write good features or interview performers and composers convincingly if you haven't been to lots of performances.

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Thanks, Clare! Glad you found it interesting. And interesting to hear about you define yourself as a writer too – and I totally agree that to be a music feature-writer you need to be steeped in actually listening, even if you're not writing a formal review.

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